An Integrated Method for Covering Holes in Wireless Sensor Networks [Volume 8, Number 2] |
3D Point cloud
Automatic DEM generation from high resolution Satellite Images H. Mohammadi*, F. Samadzadegan [Volume 3, Number 2] |
3D Reconstruction
A New Method for Absolute Orientation of Video Frames in Urban Scenes 3D Reconstruction Process [Volume 4, Number 3] |
3D Scanner
Single Kinect Data Fusion for 3-D Modeling of Human Body [Volume 5, Number 4] |
Design and Modeling of a 3D Volunteered Geographic Information with an Interoperable Description for Fundamental Components of a Building [Volume 4, Number 4] |
3D data model
Mapping registration boundaries in 3D using Building Information Modeling in the context of Iranian jurisdiction [Volume 11, Number 4] |
An Improved SVM Based Method for Asthmatic Patient Monitoring in Ubiquitous Health GIS [Volume 7, Number 1] |
A Combination of Spectral-Spatial Detection Methods of Hyperspectral Images for the Better Separation of Special Buildings' Roofs in Urban Area [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) in the Modeling of the Ionosphere Total Electron Content Time Series Case Study: Tehran Permanent GPS Station [Volume 8, Number 4] |
Comparison of Support Vector Machine, Artificial Neural Network and Decision Tree Classifiers for Dust Detection in Modis Imagery [Volume 4, Number 3] |
Effect of Dust Storm on Optical and Radiative Properties of Aerosols Over Middle East [Volume 7, Number 1] |
Impact of Digital Elevation Models in Accuracy of InSAR Displacement Velocity Fields [Volume 4, Number 4] |
ASTER Sensor
Decision Level Fusion in Urban Region Expansion Fuzzy Change Detectors Using ASTER Images [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Absolute and Relative Positioning
3D Positioning of Targets Using mm-Wave Ground-Based MIMO RADAR [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Investigation of the Efficiency of Multi-purpose Gravity Network of NCC to Precise Geoid Determination, Case Study: Northwest Area of Iran [Volume 8, Number 4] |
Adaptive Network-based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS)
Precise local geoid modelling using GPS/Leveling data and artificial intelligence techniques case study: shahin-shahr Isfahan [Volume 4, Number 3] |
Adaptive Neuro adaptive Fuzzy inference system
Evaluation of ANN, ANFIS and fuzzy systems in estimation of solar radiation in Iran [Volume 4, Number 3] |
Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System
Knowledge Extraction from an Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System for Detecting Urban Objects, Case Study: Buildings and Trees [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Adaptive Traffic Signal Control
Developing Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning in Adaptive Traffic Signal Control [Volume 7, Number 1] |
Aerial Imagery and LiDAR Data
Fusion of Pixel-Based and Object-Based Analysis in Order to Buildings and Trees Detection in Urban Area From LiDAR and Optic Data [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Aerial Images
Building detection using aerial images and LiDAR data via adaptive neuro-fuzzy systems [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Aerial Vehicle
Design and Development of a Simulator System for Star Trackers with the Aim of Aerial Vehicle Navigation [Volume 4, Number 1] |
Agent-based Model
Investigate the Application of machine learning and Agent-Base Models in Land-use Planning [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Agriculture Monitoring
Crop Land Change Monitoring Based on Deep Learning Algorithm Using Multi-temporal Hyperspectral Images [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Air Pollution
Quality of Spatial Interpolation Services Assessment for Development of Air Pollution Monitoring Systems Based on the Internet of Things [Volume 6, Number 4] |
Air Pollution
Designing and Implementing an Asthma Management System Based on Air Pollution Data [Volume 8, Number 4] |
Spatial distribution of soil elements and its effect on fertility using geographic information system [Volume 12, Number 3] |
Aliased Frequency
An approach to the spectral analysis of the Jason-2 satellite altimetry observations based on stationary time series Case study: spectral analysis of instantaneous sea level of the Caspian Sea [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Determining the Optimal Boundaries of Alpha-entropy Classification Zone for Dual Circular Polarimetric Data Using the Concept of Maximum Similarity [Volume 7, Number 4] |
Ambient Intelligence Environment
Providing Spatially Event-Condition-Action Policies in order to Resolve Policy Conflict in Ambient Intelligence Environment [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Analytical Hierarchy Process
A Synthesis Method Using Environmental, Geological and Remote Sensing Data in Groundwater Research: A Case Study of Saveh Plain [Volume 9, Number 2] |
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Industrial Waste Disposal Site Selection using Fuzzy-AHP Model in Salafchegan Special Economic Zone [Volume 6, Number 4] |
Assessment Methods SPS, RLS And MP In The Calibration MEMS_IMU [Volume 7, Number 3] |
Anomaly Detection in Time Series of Chlorophyll Around the Time and Location of Large Coastal Earthquakes Using Random Forest Method [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Ant System Algorithm.
Developing a Mobile Recommender System and Tour Planner for Individual Tourists [Volume 7, Number 4] |
Investigating the Relation between Prevalence of Asthmatic Allergy with the Characteristics of the Environment Using Fuzzy Association Rule Mining [Volume 4, Number 3] |
Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
Chaotic Evolutionary Path Planners for Trajectory Planning of Autonomous UAS [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Artificial Intelligence
Development of a Model based on Gradient Resonance in Deep Convolutional Networks to Identify Targets in Remote Sensing Images [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Artificial Neural NEtwork (ANN)
Ubi-Asthma: Design and Implementation of Asthmatic Patient Monitoring System in Ubiquitous Geospatial Information System [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Artificial Neural Network
Improves the Accuracy of Indoors Positioning Using a Wireless Network [Volume 8, Number 1] |
Artificial Neural Network
TEC Anomaly Detection before Strong Earthquake Using Artificial Neural Network [Volume 5, Number 4] |
Artificial Neural Network
Intelligent Fuzzy-based Feature Selection for Soil Moisture Classification [Volume 9, Number 2] |
Artificial neural networks
Automatic Radiometric Normalization of Multi-Temporal Satellite Image based on IR-MAD Transformation and Artificial Neural [Volume 4, Number 4] |
Assess the Suitability
Design and Implementation of a Spatial Decision Support System for Land Use Suitability Assessment Based on Sugeno Integral and Imperialist Competitive Algorithm [Volume 5, Number 4] |
Augmented Reality
Improving Geo-labeling in Ubiquitous Environment Based on Augmented Reality [Volume 5, Number 3] |
Automatic Identification System (AIS)
Reconstruction of the trajectories of moving objects using context-based dynamic time warping similarity measure method [Volume 13, Number 1] |
BUNTUS Algorithm
Investigation and Modeling of Physical Growth of Urban Areas and its Impacts on Traffic using Night-time Light Data [Volume 11, Number 3] |
Evaluation of Physical Resilience of Urban Areas from the Perspective of Passive Defense Using Geospatial Analysis and PROMETHEE II Technique (Case Study: Babol City) [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Bacterial Foraging Algorithm
Autonomous UAV Path Planning for Search and Rescue Missions in Post Natural Disaster Assessment Based on Novel G-BFOA Algorithm [Volume 3, Number 4] |
Band Grouping
Classification of Hyperspectral Data Using a Band Grouping-based SVM Ensemble System [Volume 4, Number 3] |
Block Bundle Adjustment
Provide an Automatic Method to Compute Approximate Exterior Orientation Parameters and Tie-Points Coordinate of Ultra-Light UAV Images in Order to Accurate Photogrammetry Block Formation [Volume 4, Number 3] |
Boundary structures
Extraction of Topological Relations between Regions Monitored by Geosensor Networks based on Boundary Structures [Volume 4, Number 4] |
Building Polygon Features
Evaluation of Updating Methods in Building Blocks Dataset [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Building extraction
Flood detection in UAV images using PSPNet and uncertainty quantification with Monte-Carlo Dropout technique [Volume 13, Number 4] |
Building segments
A Multi-Agent Method for Simultaneous Building Extraction and Segmentation from LiDAR Point Cloud [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Bundel Adjusment
Extrinsic Calibration between a Rotating Laser Rangefinder and a Camera Using a Photogrammetric Control Field and Ping Pong Balls [Volume 12, Number 1] |
CLM4 Model
Evaluation of Groundwater Resources in Iran Using GRACE Gravity Satellite Data [Volume 5, Number 4] |
Traffic Noise Mapping in Urban 3D Area by Using GIS and CORTN Model [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Developing a BIM-based Spatial Ontology for Semantic Querying of 3D Property Information [Volume 9, Number 1] |
The efficiency of TOF technology in smartphones to estimate the diameter of some Hyrcanian forest index trees [Volume 11, Number 4] |
Canny Algorithm
Occlusion Area as Suitable Guidance for Terrestrial Laser Scanner Localization [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Canopy height model
Estimating biomass and carbon storage of mangrove forests using UAV-image-derived variables [Volume 13, Number 3] |
Carrier Phase
Detection and Modeling of Medium-Scale Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances in Iran Region [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Change Detection
Developing a Spatial Knowledge-Based Approach to Detect Changes of Cultivation Fields [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Change Extent Analysis
Runoff Production Potential Zoning Using Fuzzy GIS-MCDA Models (Case Study: Tajan River Basin) [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Change in Altitude and Area
Development of a Strategy Using Spatial Analysis and Neural Network for Spatial Analysis of Water Levels at the Time of Drought [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Developing a ChatBot to Answer Spatial Queries for use in Location-based Services [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Class Based
Object Based Ensemble Classifier for the Classification of Land Cover Polarimetric SAR Data [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Building Detection in Urban Areas from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Using the Developed AdaBoost Method and High-Level (Quasi-Deep) Features [Volume 8, Number 2] |
3D Semantic Labeling using Region Growing Segmentation Based on Structural and Geometric Attributes [Volume 7, Number 2] |
GLCM Texture Features Efficiency Assessment of Pansharpened Hyperspectral Image Classification for Residential and Industrial Regions in Southern Tehran [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Development and Evaluation of a Noise Reduction Algorithm for Improvement of Hypserspectral Image Classification [Volume 8, Number 1] |
Close Range Images
Reliable Image Matching Based On Hessian-Affine Detector and MROGH Descriptor [Volume 7, Number 3] |
Cloud Computing
An Integrated Framework based on Cloud Computing for Map Matching Analysis of Floating Car Data [Volume 7, Number 3] |
Cluster Analysis
Developing an Analytical Model based on Spatial Statistics for Analyzing Rainfall in the Catchment Area of Lake Urmia [Volume 7, Number 2] |
Geoportal with Recommendation Capability [Volume 5, Number 4] |
Combination of target detection algorithms
Improving the Classification Accuracy Using Combination of Target Detection Algorithms in Hyperspectral Images [Volume 4, Number 4] |
Complex Wishart Classifier
Forest Cover Classification Using Compact Polarimetry Data [Volume 5, Number 3] |
Creation of Spatial Structured Trajectory Based on Stop and Move Model in Order to Semantic Enrichment [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Compressive Sampling and Sparse Approximation
Gravity-Field Recovery of the Earth Based on Sparse Approximation of Spherical Harmonic Coefficients Using Stabilized Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Algorithm [Volume 5, Number 4] |
Computational Time
Assessment of the Performance of Clustering Algorithms in the Extraction of Similar Trajectories [Volume 8, Number 4] |
Confidence Interval
Vertical Accuracy Assessment of SRTM and GDEM Open Source Digital Elevation Models and Error Propagation for Slope and Aspect Maps [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Confusion Matrix
Urban Buildings Changes Detection in 1:2000 Map Using GeoEye1 Satellite Stereo Images [Volume 5, Number 3] |
Context Aware
Developing a Recommendation Framework for Tourist by Mining Geo-tag Photos (Case Study Tehran District 6) [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Context Awareness
Developing Ubiquitous Road Accident Hazard Map (Case Study: Tabriz- Marand Road) [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Control Point Distribution
Performance Evaluation of 2D Transformation Models for Satellite Image Registration [Volume 8, Number 2] |
Controlled Population
Finding Shortest Path in a Network by Using Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm and GIS [Volume 6, Number 4] |
Convolutional Neural Networks
Provide an Optimal Deep-network Method for Spectral-spatial Classifying of High Resolution Images [Volume 9, Number 2] |
Copras and Topsis
Location of Solar Power Plants by Combining the Best-worst Methods, Danp, Copras and TOPSIS Case Study of Fars Province [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Covariance Matrix Estimation
Comparison of Local and Non-Local Methods in Covariance Matrix Estimation by Using Multi-baseline SAR Interferometry and Height Extraction for Principal Components with Maximum Likelihood Approach [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Covolutional Neural Network (CNN)
Deep Learning-based Classification Method for Crop Mapping Using Time Series Satellite Images [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Crisis Management
Evaluating the Potency of City Crossovers Network with the Approach of Crisis Managing by using GIS [Volume 6, Number 4] |
Evaluation of Similarity Measures for Template Matching [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Crustal Deformation
Anisotropic Covariance Model Applied for the Computation of Surface Deformation using Least Squares Collocation, Case Study: Kenai Peninsula [Volume 6, Number 4] |
Crustal Structure
Determination of the Best Window Size and Structural Index in Estimating Moho Depth through Euler Deconvolution Method (Case Study: The Zagros Zone) [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Curvelet Transform
Fusion of Synthetic Aperture Radar Data and Optic Images based on Curvelet Transform [Volume 7, Number 2] |
DB Index
Characterization of Social Land use in Urban Environments Based on the Semantic Dimension of Location Based Social Networks’ Data [Volume 7, Number 4] |
Evaluation of Iran Ionosphere Model Based on GPS Data Processing [Volume 5, Number 4] |
Analysis on Temporal-Spatial Variations of Iranian TEC Using GPS Data [Volume 4, Number 2] |
DEM Matching Method
A Novel Bias Correction Method for Replacing Ground Control Points in the Extracted DSM from Cartosat-1 Stereo Images [Volume 8, Number 2] |
Damghan County
GIS-Based Wind Energy Potential and Resources Assessment and Wind Farm Selection in Damghan County- Northeast- Iran [Volume 6, Number 3] |
Data Model
Simulation of Informal Settlements Local Growth on the Basis of Shape and Size of Land Parcels [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Decision Support
Spatial modeling of urban land use change using NSGA-II algorithm and clustering of the Pareto-front for urban dynamic plans [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Deep Learning
Comprehensive Analysis of Dense Point Cloud Filtering Algorithm for Eliminating Non-Ground Features [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Deep Learning
Travel time prediction with machine learning: competition of linear regression, multivariate regression, random forest and deep neural network [Volume 14, Number 2] |
Deep Learning
Using deep learning-based classification methods for interpreting brain MRI images for tumor diagnosis [Volume 14, Number 1] |
Deep Neural Network
Spatio-Temporal Prediction of Monthly Rainfall using Deep Neural Network: A Case Study in North-west Iran [Volume 6, Number 4] |
Deep learning
Mapping of real Gossan in oxidant deposits using multi-source images and deep learning [Volume 13, Number 2] |
Deteriorated Urban Structures
The Semantic Explicating of Spatial Data in Non-Relational Databases Case Study: Deteriorated Urban Environments [Volume 6, Number 1] |
A New Dictionary Construction Method in Sparse Representation Techniques for Target Detection in Hyperspectral Imagery [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Digital Surface Model (DSM).
True orthophoto mosaic generation: a simple and fast method [Volume 12, Number 3] |
Disaster Environments
Presenting Spatial Strategies for Agent-Based Task Allocation in Disaster Environments [Volume 8, Number 2] |
Discrete Cosine Transform
Time Series Data Clustering Based on Differential Evolution Algorithm and Discrete Cosine Transform [Volume 5, Number 4] |
Earth gravity field boundary value problems
The Necessity of Applying Analytical Downward Continuation Bias as a Correction in Restore Step of the One-Step Inversion Method [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Wavelet Transform Analysis of Ionospheric Electron Content Changes before Large Earthquakes [Volume 4, Number 4] |
Designing a Context-aware Recommender System in the Optimization of the Relief and Rescue by Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm and Geospatial Information System [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Ecological Niche Modeling
Risk Prediction of Leptospirosis by Considering Environmental Factors in Iran Using MAXENT Model [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Edge Extraction
Inverse Modeling of Gravity Data Using Information Resource Border Anomaly [Volume 0, Number 0] |
Effectiveness Criteria
Feature-Based Change Detection of Urban Areas using Particle Swarm Optimization and Genetic Algorithm [Volume 7, Number 1] |
Agricultural Crop Monitoring Using Polarimetric Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Images [Volume 8, Number 2] |
Elevation Data
Developing a New Method in Object Based Classification to Updating Large Scale Maps with Emphasis on Building Feature [Volume 8, Number 4] |
Enhance Vegetated Area
A Novel IHS-GA Fusion Method Based on Enhancement Vegetated Area [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Ensemble Learning
An Ensemble Learning Based Method for the Improvement of Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) [Volume 8, Number 3] |
Evaluate the Quality of Urban Life based on the Spatial and Census Data [Volume 6, Number 4] |
Equidistant Nodes
A Recursive Algorithm to Determining Lagrange Basis Polynomial Using Chebyshev Nodes [Volume 10, Number 4] |
Expert Opinion
Improvement of Geometric-Based Roads Matching on Multi-Scale Data Structures [Volume 6, Number 3] |
Noise Destriping in Hyperspectral Imagery in Frequency Domain by Combination of Wavelet and Fourier Transform [Volume 4, Number 4] |
Fast Noise Analysis
Noise Analysis of GPS Time Series with Simulated Data Using EMD, Standard Deviation and Trigonometric Methods [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Oil spill detection using in Sentinel-1 satellite images based on Deep learning concepts [Volume 12, Number 2] |
Feature Detection
Feasibility Study of Detection Specific Urban Features Using High Spectral Resolution Satellite Imagery, LIDAR Data, and Fully Polarimetric RADAR Imagery [Volume 5, Number 3] |
Feature Extraction
Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on the Fusion of the Features Generated by Sparse Representation Methods, Linear and Non-linear Transformations [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Fire Detection
Design and Development of a Fire Detection System Using Chaining of Geoprocessing Services [Volume 5, Number 1] |
First Person View
Representation of 3D City Models Based on Two Interactive Approaches in Mobile Devices [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Fisheye Image
Detection of Obstacle Regions Around an MAV using an Expansion-based Technique [Volume 11, Number 3] |
Fitness for Use
Introducing a Conceptual Model to Improve the Quality of Storage of Volunteered Geographic Information: In the Field of "Fitness-for-Use" Indicator [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Fitness for Use
Assessment of VGI Data Quality from Fitness for Use Perspective in Accident Management, Case Study: Routing and Navigation [Volume 8, Number 1] |
Discovering and Analyzing Regions of Interest Based on Geo-Tagged Images [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Knowledge-based Classification of Polarimetric SAR data using Support Vector Machine-Decision Tree (SVM-DT) [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Forest Classification
Providing Object Based Method for Classifying Forest Regions Using POLSAR and Hyper-Spectral Images [Volume 8, Number 1] |
Forest Modelling
Comparison of Geographically Weighted Regression and Regression Kriging to Estimate the Spatial Distribution of Aboveground Biomass of Zagros Forests [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Fourier Analysis
Improving Long-Wavelength Gravitational Field via Satellite Altimetry [Volume 5, Number 4] |
Fourier features
Hierarchical Road Extraction Using LiDAR Data [Volume 4, Number 3] |
Fusion of Elevation Data
Fusing Global Digital Elevation Models Using a Combination of Geographically Weighted Regression Model and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm [Volume 10, Number 4] |
Evaluating the Potential Area for Constructing Photovoltaic Power Plant in Iran using Fuzzy Approach [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Fuzzy C-Means
A Hybrid Time Series Clustering Method Based on Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm: An Agreement Based Clustering Approach [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Fuzzy Classification. Crisp Classification
A Multiple Fuzzy Classifier System for Fusion of Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data [Volume 7, Number 4] |
Fuzzy Inference
Development of a web-based system for scoring residential properties based on the public transportation accessibility index [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Fuzzy Inference System
Provide a Diagnostic Context-awareness Method for Monitoring and Warning Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease by Using Fuzzy Inference System and GIS [Volume 12, Number 1] |
Fuzzy Logic
Modeling Spatio-temporal relevancy in an Context-aware Geospatial Information System using Customized Fuzzy Multi-Interval Algebra [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Ranking and Determining Change-Prone Urban Land-Uses by Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis [Volume 7, Number 3] |
Fuzzy Theory
Measuring the Similarity of Trajectories Using Fuzzy Theory [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Fuzzy expert system
Applying Smart Restrictions In The Face of Epidemic Diseases (Case study of COVID-19) [Volume 14, Number 1] |
GHG emissions
Developing a fuzzy analytic network process (ANP) and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) model to evaluate small hydropower plant potential [Volume 14, Number 2] |
Modeling Index of land use Suitability Based on Vector-Based Cellular Automata by Focusing on Neighborhood Effect and Application to Simulating Land Use Changes [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Determining the proper sites for urban land-use development in Qazvin using MGA method [Volume 3, Number 2] |
Development and evaluation of a walkability index (Case Study: districts of the Ghom city) [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Walkability Potential in Urban Areas [Volume 6, Number 3] |
Spatial-temporal prediction of high-risk areas of Covid-19 disease using Geographically Weighted Regression and Multi Layer Perceptron neural network [Volume 12, Number 3] |
Modeling Urban Vertical and Horizontal Growth using Vector Cellular Automata [Volume 7, Number 1] |
A GIS-based Comparative Study of Statistical Methods for Timeworn Urban Texture Susceptibility Mapping in Bandar Abbas city, Iran [Volume 7, Number 4] |
A Synthesis Approach for Optimal Determination of Solar and Geothermal Locations Considering Economic, Environmental, and Demographic Criteria Using RS and GIS Data [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Modeling the Spread of Infectious Diseases Malaria [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Multi Objective Optimization of Urban Land Use Allocation Using Meta-heuristic Algorithms and Spatial Metrics [Volume 7, Number 3] |
Landslide Susceptibility Areas Detection Using GIS Information and Combinatiom of Machine Learning Models and Meta Heuristic Algorithms [Volume 12, Number 1] |
Landslide Hazard Zoning in the Siminehrood Catchment of Bookan Area by Combining Statistical Models, the Analytic Hierarchy Process and GIS [Volume 6, Number 4] |
Tags Extraction from Spatial Documents by Search Engines [Volume 6, Number 4] |
Comparison and Evaluation of MODIS and Sun photometer Integrated water vapor using GPS observations at IASBS AERONET site (Zanjan, Iran) [Volume 11, Number 1] |
GPS Observations.
Curvature Change of the Earth's Crust Surface in Iran by Analytical Deformation Theory [Volume 4, Number 1] |
GPS observables
Least-Squares Variance Component Estimation Applied to GPS Geometry-Based Observation Model [Volume 4, Number 1] |
GRACE-FO satellite
Local gravity field modeling using gravity difference observations along the line of sight of the GRACE-FO satellites and adjusted spherical cap harmonic basis functions [Volume 12, Number 3] |
Investigating three-dimensional convolutional and recurrent neural networks for crop classification using time-series optical images [Volume 12, Number 3] |
Evaluation and Comparison of Performance of Fixed and Adaptive Kernels in Geographically Weighted Regression for Modeling Leptospirosis in Gilan [Volume 7, Number 3] |
Game Theory
Simulation and Evaluation of Urban Development Scenarios Using Integration of Cellular Automata Model and Game Theory [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Gauss-Markov Kalman Filter
Regional Assimilation of International Reference Ionosphere Model using GPS Observations [Volume 6, Number 4] |
Generalized Multiple Kernel Learning
A Novel Method Based on the Multiple Kernel Learning Algorithms for Crop Mapping using Multivariate Satellite Image Time-Series [Volume 7, Number 1] |
Genetic Algorithm
Investigating the Performance of Metaheuristic Population-Based Algorithms to Optimize the Parameters of Support Vector Machines in Classification of Polarimetric Images [Volume 3, Number 3] |
Genetic Algorithm
Improved Spectral-Spatial Classification Minimum Spanning Forest by Reducing the Spatial Dimensions of Hyperspectral Images [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Genetic Algorithm
Optimal Locating of Urban Parks Using GIS and Genetic Algorithm (Case Study: Samawah City, Iraq) [Volume 10, Number 4] |
Genetic Algorithm
Spatio-temporal Analysis of Land Surface Temperature Using a Genetic-Based Selection Procedure (Case Study: Tehran, Iran) [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Genetic Algorithm
Optimization of Pick up and Delivery Problem of Postal Service between the Centers by Capacitated Vehicles based on Metahuristic Algorithms [Volume 6, Number 4] |
Genetic Algorithm (GA)
A Hybrid Method for Constrained Optimization of the Spatial Arrangement of Urban Land Uses to Reduce the Inconsistency [Volume 8, Number 2] |
Genetic algorithm.
Nonnegative variance component estimation in GPS position time series [Volume 3, Number 2] |
Geodetic network analysis
Application of Recursive Least Squares to Efficient Blunder Detection in Linear Models [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Geographic Information System
Using Genetic Programming and Sensitivity Analysis for Improving Spatial Modeling in a GIS Environment (Case Study: Mineral Potential Mapping) [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Geographic Information System
Exploring the Relationships between Spatial and Demographic Parameters and Urban Water Consumption in Esfahan Using Association Rule Mining [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Geographic Information System (GIS)
Evaluation of Waste Source Separation in 22 Districts of Tehran Using GIS [Volume 6, Number 3] |
Geographic Information System (GIS)
Developing a Baseline Approach for Modeling Land use Change [Volume 7, Number 4] |
Geographically Weighted Regression
Temporal Modeling of Geographically Weighted Regression for Extraction of Relationships between Land Use/Land Cover and Water Hardness [Volume 5, Number 3] |
Investigating the Effect of the Iranian Ground Gravity Data on Local Geoid Determination [Volume 8, Number 2] |
Geopotential Model
Regional Gravity Field Modelling using Adjausted Spherical Cap Harmonic Analysis [Volume 7, Number 1] |
Georeferenced Multi-Temporal Image
An Approach for Improving Change Detection in Agricultural Lands Using Georeferenced Multi-Temporal Image and Color Fusion Method [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Geospatial Information System
Using Tabu Search Algorithm and Geospatial Information System for Managing of the Relief and Rescue Teams [Volume 8, Number 3] |
Geospatial Information System
Preparation of Flood Susceptibility Map using Multi-Criteria Spatial Analysis and Data Fusion (A Case Study: Maneh and Samalqan County) [Volume 12, Number 4] |
Geospatial Information System (GIS)
Using a Hybrid Semantic Similarity Assessment Model to Resolve Semantic Heterogeneities in SDIs Case Study: Iranian Water and Wastewater Company [Volume 5, Number 4] |
Geospatial Information Systems (GIS)
An Overview of the Methods and Models Used to Identify Land use Changes Based on Remote Sensing and GIS (with Emphasis on Studies in Iran) [Volume 9, Number 2] |
Land Surface Thermal Anomaly Detection Based on Satellite Thermal Band Nomalization [Volume 0, Number 0] |
Gilan’s Province
Scrutiny of TRMM Satellite Precipitation Data Efficiency for Evaluation of Rainfall Damages on Gilan’s Province Rice Farming [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Golden Eagle Optimization
Development of an Ensemble Learning Approach for Soybean Yield Prediction using Satellite and Meteorological Data [Volume 14, Number 1] |
Google Earth
Automatic vehicle identification from Google Earth satellite images based on single shot deep learning neural networks for object detection [Volume 13, Number 2] |
Google Earth Engine
Landslide change detection by use of RADAR images (Case study: Takht village of Golestan province) [Volume 13, Number 2] |
Google Earth engine
Application of spatial analysis and brush image processing to identify flood extent using Sentinel 1 and 2 satellite images [Volume 12, Number 4] |
Granular tree
Construction of Granular Computing Model Based on General Similarity Relation in Seismic Vulnerability Assessment [Volume 4, Number 3] |
Graph Model
A Review On Map-Based Indoor Positioning Techniques [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Gravity Anomaly
Impact of Gridding on Stability of Downward Continuation of Gravity Anomaly [Volume 5, Number 3] |
Gravity data
Inversion of Gravity Data Using Ant Colony Algorithm (Case Study: Gotvand-Iran) [Volume 4, Number 4] |
Group Weighting
Route Selection Using Group Decision Making Techniques and Spatial Analysis in Early Stage Design [Volume 4, Number 4] |
GPS Jamming Detection in UAV Navigation Using Visual Odometry and HOD Trajectory Descriptor [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Application of high resolution satellite images IRS P5 to detailed landslide hazard assessment [Volume 2, Number 4] |
Development of a Split Window Model to Retrieve Land Surface Temperature Map from Thermal Hyperspectral Images [Volume 7, Number 2] |
Hausdorff Distance
Comprehensive Evaluation of Modeling and Surface Simplification Methods for 3D Building Reconstruction from Dense Point Cloud [Volume 7, Number 4] |
Estimation of Surface Roughness Parameters Using Fractal and Close Range Photogrammetric Methods [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Terrain Effect on Geoid Determination Case Study:NW Iran [Volume 4, Number 2] |
High Resolution Satellite Imagery
An Evolutionary Strategy for Georeferencing and Blunder Detection of High Resolution Satellite Imagery [Volume 4, Number 1] |
High Resolution Satellite Imagery
Developing New Index to Object-Based Shadow Detection from High Resolution Satellite Images over Urban Area [Volume 5, Number 4] |
High resolution images
Semi-Automatic Building Extraction Using Snake Models from High Resolution Aerial Images [Volume 4, Number 2] |
High-resolution satellite images
Development of a New Method for Edge Detection from High-Resolution Aerial/Satellite Images, with Emphasis on Threshold Optimization and Using Imperialist Competitive Algorithm [Volume 4, Number 4] |
Hot Spots
Role of Time in Spatial Analysis of Diseases in Tehran [Volume 5, Number 4] |
Hydrographic surveying
Field Control of the Hydrographic Attitude Sensors [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Hyperbolic geometry
Spatial Analysis in curved spaces with Non-Euclidean Geometry [Volume 12, Number 2] |
Points Of Interest Recommendation Using Hypergraph on Location-based Social Networks [Volume 10, Number 4] |
Mapping Alteration Zones using Gaussian Mixture Model and Spectral Angle Mapper [Volume 6, Number 4] |
Hyperspectral Image
Optimum Band Selection for Target Detection in Hyperspectral Imagery based on Binary PSO [Volume 8, Number 3] |
Hyperspectral Image
Hyperspectral Images Classification using Gaussian Mixture Model and Gibbs Sampler Algorithm [Volume 7, Number 2] |
Hyperspectral Images
Improvement in Detection Performance of Subpixel Targets on Hyperspectral Images Based on Selecting Appropriate Features [Volume 5, Number 3] |
Hyperspectral. Plant Classification
Classification of Hyper Spectral Image Various Plant Classes via Coding Method in the Reflectance and its Derivatives [Volume 9, Number 2] |
Modeling the effects of PM pollutant on people using a spatio-temporal dynamic model and GIS [Volume 13, Number 4] |
Residential Land Suitability Assessment Using Fuzzy Group TOPSIS-OWA [Volume 4, Number 4] |
Estimation of Ionospheric Electron Density Physical Perdiction Model Parameters Using Artificial Neural Network [Volume 14, Number 2] |
IRS P5 Backward Images
Accuracy Evaluation and Analysis of a Localized Geometric Transformation Approach for Two Dimensional Landslide Displacement Measurements Using IRS P5 Satellite Images [Volume 7, Number 3] |
Ionosphere Tomography using Minimization of Objective Functions Method and Neural Networks over Iran [Volume 7, Number 2] |
Assessment of Hazardous Drought of Ilam Province Forests using Landsat Satellite Images [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Ilam Province
Assessing the success of the implementation of provincial spatial data infrastructure (PSDI) with the combined approach of DEMATEL and Network Analysis Process (DANP) (Case study: Ilam province) [Volume 11, Number 4] |
Image Fusion
Modeling and Prediction of Land use/ Land Cover Changes Based on Spatio-temporal Analysis of Optical and Radar Remotely Sensed Images [Volume 12, Number 1] |
Image Matching
Change Detection in Urban Area from High Resolution Satellite Images Using Local Features [Volume 2, Number 4] |
Image Processing
Smart Camera-based Contact Tracing Systems: A Review [Volume 11, Number 3] |
Image Processing
Application of Image Processing to Determine the Natural Period of Buildings' Vibration [Volume 4, Number 4] |
Image Processing
Automatic Selection of Color Constancy Algorithms for Enhancement of Object Detecting in Shadow Area of Remote Sensing Images by Fuzzy Rule-based Reasoning [Volume 7, Number 4] |
Image Sequences
Simultaneous detection and tracking of multiple moving objects in forward looking thermal IR image sequences [Volume 2, Number 4] |
Imperialistic competitive algorithm
Using an Imperialistic Competitive Algorithm in Global Polynomials Optimization (Case Study: 2D Geometric Correction of IKONOS and SPOT Imagery) [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Improved Watershed Algorithm
Change Detection in Polarimetric SAR Images Based on Improved Watershed Algorithm [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Indoor Routing
Indoor Routing by building a three-dimensional route network based on integration of BIM and GIS [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Indoor Navigation Graph of the Historical Covered Bazaar of Tabriz Based on IndoorGML Standard [Volume 8, Number 3] |
Inertia sensor
Development of a method for investigating flying robot positioning algorithms using inertia navigation system and point and linear features of images [Volume 12, Number 4] |
Information Extraction
Analyzing Spatial-Temporal Distribution of Natural Hazard Events in Iran (1390-1400 SH) Automatically Extracted from News Stories [Volume 12, Number 1] |
Inner Constraints
Application of Network RTK Positions and Geometric Constraints to the Problem of Attitude Determination Using the GPS Carrier Phase Measurements [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Intelligent Transportation
Identification and Evaluation of Meeting Points for Ride-sharing Services Using Fuzzy Logic [Volume 10, Number 4] |
Monitoring of Urmia Lake Bridge Subsidence during 2014- 2021 Using DInSAR-SBAS Method and GPS Data [Volume 11, Number 4] |
Interferogram and SBAS algorithm
Investigation of phase bias in the interferometric network in the SBAS algorithm and its impact on different coverages. [Volume 13, Number 4] |
A Multi-Step Strategy for SAR Image Matching [Volume 4, Number 2] |
International Hydrographic Organization
Examining Precision of Multibeam and Single Beam Echo-Sounder Data Through Modeling the Differences (Case Study: Bushehr Port) [Volume 14, Number 1] |
Mitigation of Tropospheric Delay on InSAR Interseismic Displacements [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW)
Optimization of Groundwater Level Monitoring Network Using Colliding Bodies Optimization Method (Case Study: Arak Aquifer) [Volume 11, Number 3] |
Inverse Problem
A Unique Solution to Two Classic Gravimetry Inverse Problems for Simultaneously Doing ‘Local Gravity Field Modeling’ and ‘Earth’s Mass-Density Determination’, a Case Study of the Coastal Fars of Iran [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Predictive Map of Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Leptospirosis Using Geographical Weighted Regression and Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network Methods [Volume 6, Number 2] |
A combined approach to geostatistical models and spatial information systems to evaluate the role of spatial parameters in the prevalence of cancer in Iran: a case study: bladder cancer [Volume 14, Number 1] |
Jask Port
Bathymetry Mapping of the Jask Port Using Sentinel-1 SAR Images [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Jason Satellite
Estimation and Analysis of Precipitable Water Vapor Using GPS Data and Satellite Altimeter [Volume 10, Number 2] |
K-Means Clustering
Automatic Matching in Convergent Close Range Image [Volume 3, Number 1] |
Automatic Recognition of Coded Targets Using Feature Based Matching Algorithms in a Ubiquitous GIS [Volume 7, Number 1] |
K-means Clustering
An Automated Method for Visual Camouflage of Targets with their Background using Greedy Algorithm [Volume 7, Number 2] |
Road Geometry Extraction from Trajectory Data using Crawler Agents based on KDE [Volume 0, Number 0] |
Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection Based on Sparse Coding Using Sliding Windows [Volume 8, Number 2] |
Kappa coefficient
Land Cover and Land Use Extraction Based on Deep Learning Methods Using Satellite Images [Volume 14, Number 2] |
Kenai Peninsula
Unbiased 3D-Analysis of Earth’s Crustal Deformation Using GPS Measurements [Volume 4, Number 4] |
Knowledge-based Systems
Automatic Interpretation of UltraCam Imagery by Combination of Support Vector Machine and Knowledge-based Systems [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Efficiency of Multi-layer Artificial Neural Network with PSO Training Algorithm in Ionosphere Time Series Modeling [Volume 7, Number 1] |
Kurdistan Province
GIS-Based Small-Scale Hydropower Resources Assessment in Kurdistan - Iran [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Kwon Method
Proposing a Novel Temporal Rout Finding Model for Marine Navigation with Respect to Depth and Weather Condition of Marine Environment [Volume 5, Number 4] |
LEO Satellites
Initial Orbit Determination of the Earth Orbiters Using a Single Ground Optical Tracking Station Based on the Tikhonov Regularized Total Least Squares Estimation [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Analysis of TEC time series obtained from global ionospheric maps [Volume 4, Number 3] |
Estimation of precipitable water vapor using least squares support vector regression and comparison with other models [Volume 13, Number 3] |
Lake Urmia causeway
Deformation Analysis of the Lake Urmia Causeway Embankments in Northwest Iran Using Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar (Insar) Data [Volume 4, Number 1] |
Lambda Method
Evaluation of the Regularization Algorithm to Decorrelation of Covariance Matrix of Float Ambiguity in Fast Resolution of GPS Ambiguity Parameters [Volume 8, Number 4] |
Land Cover
Diurnal Temperature Cycle Analysis in Various Land types and Comparison with MODIS Land Surface Temperature [Volume 11, Number 3] |
Land-Based Gravity Data
On Gravity Gradient Tensor Determination Using Finite-Difference Method and Land-Based Gravity Data: A Case Study of Coastal Fars of Iran [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Land-use Changes
Validation of Volunteered Geographic Information Landuse Change Using Satellite Imagery [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Estimates of the Relative Changes of the Urmia Lake Using Fuzzy Classifier [Volume 5, Number 2] |
A Split-Window Algorithm for Estimating LST from Landsat-8 Satellite Images [Volume 5, Number 1] |
A Novel Method for Retrieving Land surface Emissivity from Landsat-8 Satellite Data Based on Vegetation Index [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Presentation of a Method for Detecting Urban Growth using Spectral- Spatial Variation Indicators and Remote Sensing Data [Volume 6, Number 4] |
A Quasi-Rigorous Approach for the Solution of the Relative Orientation of the Linear Array Satellite Images with Similar Viewing Geometry [Volume 4, Number 1] |
Learning Machine
A Validation Approach for OSM Roads Information without Using Authorized Information Based on the Other OSM Information [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Least Squares Spectral Analysis
Investigating Temporal and Spatial Caspian Sea Level Changes Between 1992 and 2011, Using Satellite Altimetry Data of T/P, Jason1 and Jason2 [Volume 3, Number 2] |
Least Squares VCE Method
Analysis of GPS Time Series Over the Alborz Range [Volume 5, Number 4] |
LiDAR Features Generation
Increasing the Density of Airborne LiDAR Point Cloud by Full Waveform Analysis [Volume 8, Number 2] |
LiDAR data
A Rule Based Analysis of Image Objects for Road Detection in Urban Areas Using High Resolution Satellite Image and LiDAR Data [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Line Approximation
A Non-Parametric Method for 3D Building Reconstruction Using Airborne Laser Scanner Point Clouds [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Line fitting
A Novel Method for Accurate Extraction of Candidate Road Intersection Points from High Resolution Satellite Images [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Local Change Detection
Global and Local Change Detection Using K-Means Clustering Improved by Particle Swarm Optimization [Volume 7, Number 3] |
Local Search Algorithm
Solving the Ride-Sharing Problem with Non-Homogeneous Vehicles by Using an Improved Genetic Algorithm with Innovative Mutation Operators and Local Search Methods [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Local Utilities
Presenting a Spatial Model For Real Estate Appraisal Based On Data-Driven Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methods [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Location Based Services (LBS)
Digital Contact Tracing: A solution to Prevent the Spread of Corona Virus [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Location Based and Orientation aware services
Modeling 3D Querying Based on Location and Orientation Information for Buildings [Volume 4, Number 1] |
Location Recommending Services
Knowledge Discovery in Geo-Social Networks to Provide a Location Recommending Service [Volume 3, Number 3] |
Location-Based Social Networks
The Influence of Location on Nodes’ Centrality in Location-Based Social Networks [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Logical Deduction System
Extending the Qualitative Trajectory Calculus Based on the Concept of Accessibility of Moving Objects in the Paths [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Logistic Regression
Urban Expansion Modeling with Logistic Regression [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Logistic Regression and Markov Chain
Urban Growth Modeling and Prediction using Logistic Regression and Markov Chain in Sari [Volume 7, Number 4] |
Look-up Table
Proposed an Approach to Fit a Specialized Conceptual Model for Use in VGI System (Case Study: Surface Water Resources) [Volume 10, Number 4] |
The Economic Valuation of Oak Trees Decline Regions (Quercus brantii .Lindl) in Semi-Mediterranean Zagros Forests Using Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery [Volume 13, Number 2] |
Low Altitude Vegetation Cover
Detection of Trees and Low Altitude Vegetation Cover using Aerial Imagery and LiDAR Data [Volume 9, Number 2] |
Building Map Updating Based on Active Contour Models [Volume 5, Number 4] |
Mapping the Potential of Groundwater Resources in Hard Formations Using Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing, Case Study: Northwest of Shahroud [Volume 10, Number 1] |
A hybrid approach to urban growth assessment using K-Nearest Neighbor, Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, and Maximum Likelihood (Case study: West Tehran ) [Volume 13, Number 4] |
Short-term Prediction of Polar Motion Parameters Using Deep Neural Networks [Volume 11, Number 4] |
Land Surface Temperature Mapping Based on Emissivity Fusion in Urban Areas [Volume 9, Number 2] |
Investigating the Capability of Non-Linear Regressions for PM10 Estimation and Spatial Mapping Using Remote Sensing Images and Ground Measurements [Volume 8, Number 2] |
Development of an Index-based Regression Model for Soil Moisture Estimation Using MODIS Imageries by Considering Soil Texture Effects [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Estimation of PM10 Concentration and Generating Pollution Map with Neural Network and Remote Sensing Images [Volume 8, Number 3] |
Monitoring of dust phenomenon and Investigate its correlation with temperature and humidity parameters (Case study: Khuzestan Province) [Volume 9, Number 4] |
MODIS sensor
Using Decision Tree Method for Dust Detection from MODIS Satellite Image [Volume 4, Number 4] |
Photosynthesis trend in terrestrial biosphere using MODIS GPP time series data during 2000-2015 [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Feature Selection Based on Combination of Minimal Redundancy-Maximal Relevance and Genetic Algorithm for Alassification of Fused Optical and SAR Images [Volume 8, Number 2] |
Machin Learning
Spatial-Temporal Prediction of PM2.5 Pollutants Using Deep Recurrent Networks: A Case Study of Tehran [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Machine Learning Regression
Potato yield estimation using Sentinel-2 satellite images, Case study: Sarab city [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Machine Learning.
Landslide susceptibility mapping using statistical and machine learning models (case study: Austria) [Volume 13, Number 2] |
Magma reservoir modeling
Modeling of Geodetic Displacement Field Caused by the Activities of Damavand Volcano Magma Reservoir [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Mapping Effort
Evaluation of Citizens’ Efforts in Participatory Production of Spatial Data [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Maritime Safety
Volume and Rate Estimations of Sedimentation in Amirabad Port During Period 2018-2021 [Volume 11, Number 3] |
Marker-based MSF
Spectral-spatial classification of hyperspectral images by combining hierarchical and marker-based Minimum Spanning Forest algorithms [Volume 12, Number 2] |
Markov Random Field (MRF)
A New Method for Contextual Classification of Polarimetric SAR Data Based on Combining SVM and MRF [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Markov Random Fields
Automatic Change Detection Analysis of the Difference Image Using Gaussian Mixture Model and Markov Random Fields [Volume 8, Number 1] |
Maximal Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform (MODWT)
Fast white noise estimation in GNSS time series by wavelet variance [Volume 13, Number 2] |
Maximum Likelihood
A Fusion Approach for Building Detection from High-Resolution SAR Image in Urban Area [Volume 0, Number 0] |
Maximum Likelihood Classifier
Introducing an Unsupervised Method for feature Extraction of Hyperspectral Images Using Bands Clustering in the Prototype Space [Volume 9, Number 2] |
Maximum a Posteriori Estimator
Speckle Reduction in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images in Wavelet Domain Exploiting Intra-scale and Inter-scale Dependencies [Volume 8, Number 4] |
Mean Rotation (Novozhilov)
Earth Surface Deformation Analysis in Iran using Novozhilov’s Mean Rotation Measure with Finite Element Approach [Volume 5, Number 4] |
Mean Shift
Building Reconstruction Based on the Data Fusion of Lidar Point Cloud and Aerial Imagery [Volume 3, Number 4] |
Median method
Modeling the Dynamic Location/Allocation Problem in a Continuous Euclidean Space [Volume 4, Number 3] |
Metro Line
Monitoring of urban subway lines subsidence Using satellite radar interferometry method (Study area: Part of Tehran Metro Line 7) [Volume 12, Number 2] |
Migrating Birds
study bird’s migration by using remote sensing and Geographic Information System. (case study of bird’s migration in the alikhan wetland) [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Mineral Data
Spatial Data Interpolation Through Recursive Solution of Moving Least Squares [Volume 9, Number 2] |
Mineral Potential Mapping
Using Soft Computing in Geospatial Information Systems for Spatial Modeling (Case study: Mineral Potential Mapping) [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Model Assessment
Assessment of National Spatial Data Infrastructure Using BSC Model [Volume 5, Number 3] |
Providing a Framework for Management, Spatial Correlation and Control of Infectious Diseases (Case Study of Hamadan City) [Volume 12, Number 1] |
Modelling of Ancient Sites
Presented a New Algorithm for Network Design and Path Planning it Captures Drone Modeling Purposes Archaeological Sites [Volume 7, Number 2] |
Modified kernel
The Correct Application of Kernel in One-Step Inversion [Volume 3, Number 3] |
Moving Average Filter
Iranian Permanent GPS Network Receivers Differential Code Biases Estimation Using Global Ionospheric Maps [Volume 8, Number 4] |
Moving Objects
Similarity Measurement of Trajectories Based on Contextual Data in Constrained Euclidean Space [Volume 5, Number 4] |
Multi Objective Metaheuristic Optimization
Feature Level Fusion of Hyperspectral Image and LiDAR Data based on Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization in Classification of Urban Area [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Multi Source Data
ESTARFM Model for Fusion of LST Products of MODIS and ASTER Sensors to Retrieve the High Resolution Land Surface Temperature Map [Volume 7, Number 4] |
Multi-Objective Calibration
Using Satellite Gravimetric Data for Optimizing the Performance of a Simple Hydrological Model via Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms [Volume 8, Number 1] |
Multi-scale Dataset
Matching of Polygon Objects Based on Geometric Measures in a Multi-scale Dataset [Volume 7, Number 4] |
Multidimensional SAR Processing
Very High Resolution Parametric and Non- Parametric Sartomography Methods for Monitoring Urban Areas Structures [Volume 8, Number 4] |
Multiphase Model
Introduction of a Hybrid Multi-phase Segmentation Method Emphasizing Agricultural Land Boundary Extraction based on a Combination of Active Contour Models [Volume 8, Number 3] |
Multiple Aperture Insar (MAI)
Three-Dimensional Surface Displacements and Slip distribution of the 2003 BAM, Iran earthquake Estimated From Combination of Multiple-Aperture and Conventional Interferometry data [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Multiple Criteria Evaluation
Modeling Land use Changes by Integrated use of Markov Chain Model, Cellular Automata Model, and Multiple Criteria Decision Making in Talar Watershed [Volume 8, Number 1] |
Multivariate Linear Regression
Improving Forest Biomass Volume Estimation Using Radar and Optical Data from Sentinel Sensor and Genetic Optimization Algorithm (Case Study: Noor Forest Areas) [Volume 12, Number 1] |
Narrow band vegetation index
Estimation of Chlorophyll in Pistachio Trees Using Hyperspectral Data [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Natural Language Processing
An Approach for Automatic Matching of Descriptive Addresses [Volume 9, Number 4] |
A Virtual Reference Station Algorithm Development for a Network RTK System [Volume 2, Number 4] |
Nearest Neighborhood
Detection of some Tree Species from Terrestrial Laser Scanner Point Cloud Data Using Support-vector Machine and Nearest Neighborhood Algorithms [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Neighborhood Information
An Integrated Unsupervised Change Detection Method Based on the Discrete Wavelet Transform Fusion and An Improved Markov Random Field Model [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Network Design
Evaluation of Close-Range Photogrammetric Technique for Deformation Monitoring of Large-Scale Structures: A review [Volume 8, Number 4] |
Network Design
Real-Time Kinematic Network of Tehran, from Design to Application [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Neural network
Comprehensive Evaluation the Geometric Modeling of Worldview-2 Satellite Images with Classical and Intelligent Methods [Volume 4, Number 3] |
Noise Assessment
Evaluation of Noise in Deformation Time Series Extracted by Small Baseline Interferometry [Volume 4, Number 4] |
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)
An Improved NDVI-Based Multivariate Regression Method for LSE Estimation on LDCM Data [Volume 5, Number 4] |
Normalized Strain
Influence of Realistic Noise Analysis on Significance of Strain Matrix Parameters [Volume 3, Number 2] |
Modeling and Spatio-Temporal Analysis of the Distribution of O3 in Tehran City Based on Neural Network and Spatial Analysis in GIS Environment [Volume 9, Number 4] |
OD Matrix
Intra-Urban Movement Patterns Estimation Based on Location Based Social Networking Data [Volume 6, Number 1] |
OLI Sensor
Modeling of Green Canopy Cover of Marjan Rangelands, Boroujen During Growing Season Using Spectral Indices of OLI Sensor [Volume 7, Number 4] |
OWA Operators
Finding the Robust Multi-Modal Route by Integrating the Fuzzy-AHP with the Quantifier-Guided OWA [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Object Based Image Analysis
Vehicle Recognition Based on Object Based Analysis of Airborne Remote Sensing Images [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Object Based Image Analysis
SVM Classifier Optimization using Genetic Algorithm for Classification of Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Object Classification
Object Extraction from Urban Area based on Simultaneously Use of RADAR, Multispectral and LiDAR Data [Volume 8, Number 1] |
Object Level Strategy for Spectral Quality Assessment of High Resolution Pan-sharpen Images [Volume 10, Number 1] |
The Best Localization for Terrestrial Laser Scanner by Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Coseismic slip model for 2020 Ghotor earthquake based on InSAR DATA [Volume 13, Number 1] |
Ontological Similarity
Presentation of a Geoportal Based on Semantic Recommender Systems [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Assessing the Attribute Accuracy of Volunteered Geographic Information [Volume 5, Number 3] |
Optimal Features
Road Detection in Urban Areas Using High-Resolution Satellite Images and Lidar Data Based on Fuzzy Nearest-Neighbor Classification and Optimal Features [Volume 8, Number 1] |
Optimal Weights.
A Modified Weighted Total Least Squares with Application in RAIM Algorithm [Volume 10, Number 4] |
Using collective intelligence to enhance agricultural plant cultivation through the use of virtual water calculations [Volume 13, Number 2] |
An Automated Kernel-based Change Detection Method in Urban Area Using Landsat Multispectral Images, Case Study: City of Karaj [Volume 5, Number 3] |
Providing a New Approach to Optimize Combined Scale Factor Allocation Insurveying Projects [Volume 10, Number 1] |
PSInSAR Algorithm Improvement Using Amplitude Dispersion Index Optimization of Sentinel1-A Dual-Polarimetric [Volume 8, Number 3] |
Optimization Algorithms
Traffic Modeling and Prediction Using Basic Neural Network and Wavelet Neural Network Along with Traffic Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm, Particle Swarm, and Colonial Competition [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Ordered Weighted Average
Identification of suitable sites for landfill wastes of temporary settlement areas after the earthquake crisis using Particle swarm optimization method [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Ordered Weighted Average (OWA)
Site Selection for Wind Power Plants Using ANP-OWA Model (Case Study of Zanjan Province, Iran) [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Fusion of Similarity and Distance based Methods for Landcover Change Detection using Hyperpsectral Imagey [Volume 7, Number 2] |
Otsu Tresholding
An Automatic Detection of the Fire Smoke Through Multispectral Images [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Site Selection of Temporary Flood Resettlement Centers Based on Integration of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methods and Optimization Algorithm (Case Study: Mazandaran Province) [Volume 11, Number 4] |
Monitoring of Agricultural Drought in Markazi Province using VHI and PDSI Indices [Volume 11, Number 3] |
Parameter retrieval
Evaluation of atmospheric effects on the performance of neural network and regression tree in FCOVER modelling [Volume 14, Number 2] |
Parametric model
Comparing the Accuracy of a Parametric Model to Calibrating TLS Instruments with another Models [Volume 4, Number 4] |
Particle Swarm Optimization
Change Detection in Multitemporal Remote Sensing Imagery with Thresholding of PSO-Based Fused Change Index [Volume 5, Number 3] |
Particle swarm optimization
Introducing an Optimum Approach for Partitional Clustering of Hyperspectral Data Using Particle Swarm Optimization [Volume 4, Number 4] |
Partition Refinement
Evaluation of Data Models and Algorithms in Moving Object Databases [Volume 3, Number 2] |
Pathways Matching
Matching of Pathways in Sketch Maps Based on Descriptive and Geometric Information [Volume 8, Number 3] |
Pearson correlation
investigatin the accuracy of iPhone LiDAR in preparing point clouds of tree trunks (Case study: Middle Zagros - Oak forests of Lorestan province) [Volume 12, Number 3] |
Alagent-Based Modelling of Urban Navigation based on Human Spatial Cognition [Volume 4, Number 4] |
Pedestrian Deadreckoning (PDR)
Designing and Implementing a User Guide System in Indoor Spaces Using Context-aware Augmented Reality [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Pedestrian Navigation
Enrichment of Mobile Urban Navigation Digital Base Maps Using Spatial Cognition Elements [Volume 4, Number 3] |
Perception Neural Network
Modeling Urban Expansion and Development of Isfahan City by Using Remote Sensing Data in LCM Model [Volume 10, Number 4] |
Physical Seismic Vulnerability Assessment
Uncertainty Management using Interval Mathematics and Granular Computing in Seismic Vulnerability Assessment [Volume 7, Number 2] |
Studying subsidence in urban areas and its effect on transportation infrastructure using the method based on Persistent Scatterer. [Volume 12, Number 3] |
Point Cloud Simplification
Development of an Intelligent Optical Scanner with Capability of Feature Preserving Point Cloud Simplification [Volume 7, Number 3] |
Point Of Interest
Spatial Semantic Web, a Framework for Affordance-based POI’s Information Storage and Retrieval [Volume 3, Number 4] |
Points Cloud
Feasibility of using smartphones in the reconstruction of the interior architecture of the building without using interior control points [Volume 12, Number 2] |
Polynomial fitting
Regional Ionosphere Modeling Using Artificial Neural Networks and Polynomial Fitting Over Iran [Volume 4, Number 3] |
Precipitable Water Vapor
Precipitation Prediction Using Real Time GNSS Estimated Precipitable Water Vapor [Volume 7, Number 2] |
Precise Point Positioning
Precise Point Positioning Improvement Using Ray Tracing and Numerical Weather Models [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Precise Point Positioning
Accuracy Improvement of Tropospheric Delay Interpolation in RTK Networks [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Short-term Prediction of the LOD Time-series using a Combined SSA+ARMA Method [Volume 11, Number 3] |
Predictive Risk Mapping of Leptospirosis for North of Iran Using Pseudo-absences Data [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Simulation of Smoke Emission from Fires in High-Rise Buildings Using the 3D Model Generated from 2-Dimensional Cadastral Data [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Detection and Documentation of Kariz based on the Fusion of Aerial and Spacial Images [Volume 7, Number 2] |
Recognition of the Components of Measuring the Amount of Depletion Deteioration in Qazvin City Using Fuzzy Logic and Integrating Multi-Criteria Decision Making Models and GIS [Volume 8, Number 1] |
Calibrating Fuzzy-Cellular Automata Model of Urban Expansion Using Genetic Algorithm [Volume 8, Number 1] |
A Hybrid Approach to Geospatial Information System and Cluster Analysis to Investigate the Spatial Distribution of Crimes (Case Study: Qazvin City) [Volume 12, Number 1] |
Qazvin Plain
Time Series Analysis of SAR Images Using Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) and Persistent Scatterer (PS) Approaches to Determining Subsidence Rate of Qazvin Plain [Volume 5, Number 4] |
Qom City
A Customized Model for Assessing Urban Life Quality Based on Objective and Subjective Approaches (Case study, Qom city, District one) [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Quick Bird Image
Design and Implementation of a System for Roads Occlusion Detection Using Fuzzy Logic and Support Vector Machine (Case Study: Bam Earthquake) [Volume 5, Number 3] |
R.Koch -Kucshe
Comparison of regularization methods for Able-Poisson integral equation in downward continuation of gravity filed modeling [Volume 3, Number 1] |
Zoning of Particulate Matters (PM) Pollution Using Local Statistical Models in GIS (Case Study: Tehran Metropolisies) [Volume 5, Number 3] |
A Novel Improved Algorithm for Reconstruction of SAR Quad Polarisation Data from Dual Circular Polarisation Data [Volume 6, Number 1] |
An Optimized Feed-Forward Neural Network and Neighborhood Filter with Different Thresholds for Urban Expansion Simulation; a Case Study: Tehran [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Detection Dehshir Fault Lineaments Using Radar and Optical Remote Sensing Data [Volume 9, Number 2] |
Radar Images
Enhanced Tree-Based Multiple Classifier Systems for Cropland Classification from Optical and Full-Polarimetric Radar Images [Volume 8, Number 2] |
Radar and Optical Imageries
Monitoring and Estimating Flood Damages by Object-Oriented Change Detection of Optical and Radar Earth Observations [Volume 8, Number 1] |
Radiometric Correction Methods
Sensitivity Analysis on Parameters of Three Conventional and one new Remote Sensing Radiometric Correction Methods in order to Produce Accurate Change Map [Volume 8, Number 3] |
The IGS Products for Meteorological Applications in GPS System [Volume 8, Number 1] |
Random Forest
Detection of Changes in Tehran Green Space Using Remote Sensing Data [Volume 12, Number 1] |
Random Forest
3D Classification of Urban Features Based on Integration of Structural and Spectral Information from UAV Imagery [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Random Forests
Gazetteer Enrichment Using Real Estate Advertisements [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Random Fractals Geometry
Random Fractals Geometry in Surface Roughness Modeling of Geological Formations Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Images [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Random Search
Gravity Data Inversion Using Simulated Annealing Method (Case Study: Aman Abad Region-Arak City) [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Range Migration Algorithm
Evaluation of a Signal Processing Algorithm in a Ground-Based SAR System in Simulated Environment [Volume 8, Number 2] |
Rational Polynomial Coefficients
Epipolar Resampling of High Resolution Satellite Stereo Images without Rational Polynomial Coefficients for Semi Global Matching [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Rational Polynomial Coefficients
Epipolar Resampling of High Resolution Satellite Images Using Rational Polynomial Coefficients [Volume 3, Number 3] |
Ray Tracing
Comparing the Efficiency of Radiosonde and ERA-Interim Meteorological Data in Precise Point Positioning Tropospheric Delay Correction Using Three Dimensional Ray Tracing Method [Volume 7, Number 3] |
Ray Tracing
Correction of Tropospheric Delay Effects in Radar Interferometry Using a Weather Research and Forecast Model (WRF) [Volume 8, Number 1] |
Real-Time Image Processing
Low Cost UAV-based Remote Sensing for Autonomous Wildlife Monitoring [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Recommender Systems
A Review of Spatial Factor Modeling Techniques in Recommending Point of Interest Using Location-based Social Network Information [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Recommender system
Time-Location-preference aware Recommender system in LBSN [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Refelective and Thermal Classifiers
Investigating the Performance of the Ensemble Learning Methods using the Feature Selection Method Approach, for the Integration of Reflective and Thermal Classifiers to Identify the Cloud, Cirrus Clouds and Cnow/Ice in MODIS Satellite Images [Volume 7, Number 1] |
Regions with Holes
Extraction of Topological Relations between Regions with Holes in Wireless Geosensor Networks [Volume 5, Number 3] |
Generalization of Multi-linear Feature Based on Ordinary Least Squares Regression [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Reinforcement Learning
An Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning Approach in Multi-Agent Systems for Urban Traffic Control [Volume 5, Number 3] |
Remote Sensing
Introducing a Method for Detection of the Suspected Bit_Flip Noise Affected Pixels in Landsat Images [Volume 7, Number 2] |
Remote Sensing
Forest Fire Potential Modeling and Simulation of its Extension Using Remote Sensing Data and GIS: (A Protected Area of Arasbaran) [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Remote Sensing
Correction of Vertical Noise Stripes in Images Acquired by CCD-Camera on Board of CBERS02 Satellite [Volume 5, Number 3] |
Removal Decision Tree Method
Developing a Novel Method for Fast and Automatic Detection of Damaged Buildings from Post-Earthquake Images and Point Cloud (Case Study: Sarpol-e-Zahab) [Volume 12, Number 1] |
Analysis of the spatio-temporal pattern of restaurant performance using POI data and STFTiS model [Volume 13, Number 2] |
Road Network
Evaluating the Output of Generalization of Road Networks Based on Spatial Similarity Relations Using Matching Techniques [Volume 8, Number 2] |
Road Properties
Analyzing the Effect of Segmentation Method on Road Network Extraction in Urban Areas from HR Satellite Imageries [Volume 5, Number 3] |
Robust Estimation
Evaluation of Potential of Blunder Detection Techniques in Digital Terrain Modelling [Volume 2, Number 4] |
Rough Model
Spatial Modeling of Seismic Vulnerability of Urban Buildings with Emphasis on Groundwater Table Effect Using Rough Set Theory [Volume 8, Number 3] |
Route Selection.
Volunteered Spatial Data Infrastructure (VSDI) to Develop Collaboration System in Transportation [Volume 7, Number 4] |
Rural Planning
Rural Land Use Allocation Using Genetic Algorithm [Volume 10, Number 3] |
SCS-CN Runoff Equation
Analysis of the Efficiency of Remote Sensing Data for Estimation of Water Balance Components (Case Study: Tajan Catchment, Mazandaran Province) [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Mobile Agent Technology to Improve the Access to Spatial Resources at Clearing Houses [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Shadow Geothermal Energy Detection using Integrating of Temperature Anomalies and SEBAL Algorithm [Volume 7, Number 4] |
SEIR Model
Modeling Spatial Spread of Epidemic Diseases using Agent-based Simulation (Case Study: Seasonal Influenza) [Volume 6, Number 4] |
SEIR Model.
Development of an Agent-Based Model for Simulation of the Spatiotemporal Spread of Leishmaniasis in GIS (Case Study: Maraveh Tappeh) [Volume 8, Number 3] |
SGM Matching Algorithm
Provide a Method Based on Deep Learning Networks to Detect Drones from Depth Data [Volume 12, Number 1] |
Comprehensive Assessment of ASTER GDEM Ver2 [Volume 3, Number 3] |
A new method for evaluating the interpretability of polarimetric radar images [Volume 13, Number 3] |
Detecting and Tracking Moving Objects in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) Images [Volume 7, Number 1] |
Palarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Classification using Bag of Visual Words Algorithm [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Automatic Pavement Crack Detection Based on Aerial Imagery [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Satellite Images
Design and Implementation Volunteered Geographic Information System for Gathering Agricultural Products Information [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Search Extent
Optimum Routing in the Urban Transportation Network by Integrating Genetic Meta-heuristic (GA) and Tabu Search (Ts) Algorithms [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Segment-Based Approach
Building Extraction and Modeling Using LiDAR Point Clouds Imaging on Two-Dimensional Surface [Volume 7, Number 3] |
Infant Head Circumference Measurement Using Deep Learning Techniques [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Seismic Analysis
Extraction of Seismic Patterns using Fuzzy Clustering Algorithms Optimized by Particle Swarm Optimization [Volume 6, Number 4] |
Seismic Catalog
A Study on Crustal Deformation Analysis of the Alborz Region : GPS Versus Seismological Observations [Volume 5, Number 4] |
Self-organizing Map
Developing a Personalized Location-based Recommender System for Sports Services [Volume 12, Number 1] |
Semantic Similarity
A Review of Similarity Measurements in Location Based Social Networks [Volume 9, Number 2] |
Semnan City
Investigating Effective Indicators in Locating Banks Using a New Geomarketing Model Based on Spatial Data Infrastructure (Case Study: Semnan City) [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Sensitivity Analysis
Design and Implementation of a Geospatial Model To Evaluate the Resistance of Urban Buildings to Earthquakes in Scenarios and Different Risk Conditions (Case Study: Region 6 of Tehran) [Volume 10, Number 4] |
Sentinel-1A Images
Monitoring the Earth-fill Dams Displacement by Using the Time Series Radar Data [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Sentinel-1A images
Monitoring the earth-fill dams displacement by using the time series radar data (Case study: Mamlu dam) [Volume 11, Number 4] |
Comparative assessment of Deep Learning and Random Forest methods for urban land cover classification (A case study Tabriz city) [Volume 11, Number 4] |
Evaluation of Air Pollution Contributes for the COVID-19 pandemic in Iran using Sentinel 5 Satellite Data [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Behaviour Comparison of the Taleqan Dam Using Instrumentation Data and Radar Interferometry [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Separate and Conquer Algorithm
Analysis of Spatial Factors Contributing on Concentration of Highway Corridors Crashes Using GIS and Data Mining [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Modeling of Urban Land Use Allocation Using Reference-Point-Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II [Volume 4, Number 4] |
Shiraz City
Urban Growth Modeling using Integrated Cellular Automata and Gravitational Search Algorithm (Case Study: Shiraz City, Iran) [Volume 7, Number 1] |
Utilization of a deeply Refined Deep Residual Convolutional Neural Network to evaluate and compare the accuracy of Road detection from Sentinel 1 radar images (Case study: Tehran and Shiraz metropolises) [Volume 11, Number 4] |
Shopping Centers
Development of an Urban Public Service Site Selection Tool Using Spatial Group Decision Making and Geo-Social Network (Case Study: Site Selection of Shopping Centers) [Volume 7, Number 3] |
Siemens Star
Automatic Estimation of the Spatial Resolution Coefficient of UAV Images Based on Siemens Star Target [Volume 10, Number 4] |
Comparison of Distance Functions for Similarity Measurement in Spatial Trajectories [Volume 4, Number 3] |
Evaluating the Performance of Geomod Model, SimWeight and MLP Algorithms in Urban Development Simulation (Case Study: Khorramabad County) [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Single Channel Radar image
Proposing a New Method for Reduction of Speckle Phenomenon by Using Clustering in Single Channel Radar Image [Volume 4, Number 4] |
Single-Step and Multi-Step methods
The Precision and Computation Time Analysis of Semi-Analytical and Numerical Methods for LEO Satellites Orbit Propagation [Volume 4, Number 1] |
Slope and Waterway
Evaluation of Population Distribution Pattern and its Vulnerability in Watersheds Using the Spatial Information System (GIS) [Volume 8, Number 3] |
Small Objects
Automatic Panicle detection in unmanned aerial vehicle images using TSDPC [Volume 11, Number 4] |
Smartphone Sensors
Improvement of the Effective Components in the PDR Positioning Method Based on Detecting the User’s Movement Mode Using Smartphone Sensors [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Smartphone Sensors
An Evaluation of Infrastructure-free and Infrastructure-based Indoor Positioning Methods with the Focus on Pedestrian Dead Reckoning [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Social Influence
Devloping a Recommander Location Algorithm Utilizing Temporal Influence, Geographical Influence and Social Influence [Volume 7, Number 2] |
Spatial Context
A Comparative Study of Few Satellite Image Clustering Methods Based on Spatial Neighborhood Information [Volume 3, Number 4] |
Spatial Decision Making
Developing a Citizen-Centric Spatial Decision-Making System to Support the Process of Participatory Construction in Urban Distressed Textures [Volume 8, Number 4] |
Spatial Decision Making System
Development of a VGI-based Participatory Spatial Decision-making System to Distribute Relief Aids in the Event of Natural Disasters [Volume 10, Number 4] |
Spatial Filters
Performance Evaluation of Speckle Noise Reduction Methods in Spatial Domain and Wavelet [Volume 0, Number 0] |
Spatial Quality Assessment
Spatial Resolution Enhancement of Thermal Bands in Multi-Spectral Images Using Contourlet Method [Volume 7, Number 1] |
Spatial Temporal Autocorrelation
Study of Spatial Autocorrelation Changes Based on Newly Movement Data for the Purpose of Discovering Patterns of Human Inter-city Movement [Volume 9, Number 2] |
Spatial Web Services (SWS)
Providing the conceptual framework and architecture of spatial knowledge infrastructure (SKI) with the application of spatial web services [Volume 13, Number 4] |
Spatial analysis
Providing an approach based on cluster functions of the Geospatial Information Systems for temporal analysis of motorcycle crashes in urban roads, case study: Rasht City [Volume 13, Number 1] |
Spatial resolution enhancement
Target Detection in Panchromatic Remotely Sensed Images Using Deep Learning Algorithms: A Review [Volume 14, Number 1] |
Spatio-Temporal Data
Short Term Prediction of Travel Time on Links of Network using Transit Buses Positioning System Data [Volume 5, Number 3] |
Spatio-Temporal Queries
Modeling Spatio-Temporal Topological Relationships [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Spatio-temporal Covariance
GPS and Sentinel-3 Satellite Observations Combination Using Least Squares Collocation Interpolation Method for Tropospheric Delay Model Generation [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Spearman Correlation
Spatio-temporal and Ecological Analysis of Brucellosis in North of Iran [Volume 8, Number 4] |
Spearman Correlation
Epidemiology and Ecological Study of FMD Based on Spatial Analysis (Case Study: Iran) [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Speckle Noise
Speckle Reduction in SAR Images Based on the Soft Thresholding of Curvelet Coefficients [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Spectral Angle Mapper Algorithm
Planning to Explore Lime Minerals Using Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) Processing and Agent-based Modeling (ABM) [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Spectral Indices
Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for Broad Leaf Species Classification Using UAV-RGB Images [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Spectral and Height Features
Urban Vegetation Recognition Based on the Decision Level Fusion of Hyperspectral and Lidar Data [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Spectral and Spatial Matching
An Alternative Scaling Method for Cross-Validation of Land Surface Temperature from Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study of Fars Province [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI)
Analysis of the effect of drought on the phenology parameters of vegetation indexes from the time series of MODIS sensor images (case study: Hamadan province) [Volume 12, Number 2] |
Strain Tensor
Geometric Deformation Analysis of the Earth’s Crust using GPS Observation and Non-linear Finite Element Method based on C1 Bezier Cubic Interpolation [Volume 6, Number 4] |
Strip errors
Application of the Gravity Gradient Tensor in Elimination of the Striping Error of GRACE Gravity Observations (Case Study: Sumatra’s 9.2 Magnitude Earthquake on 26TH DEC 2004) [Volume 3, Number 4] |
Structural Parameters
SPOT-5 Spectral and Textural Data Fusion for Forest Mean Age and Height Estimation [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Super Decisions
GIS Spatial and Network Analysis Applied for Bookstores Geomarketing [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Supervised Classification
Intrinsic Dimensionality Estimation in Hyperspectral Images [Volume 3, Number 3] |
Support Vector Machine
Building Detection from LiDAR and Optical Data Using Support Vector Machine in Pixel-Based and Object-Based Analysis [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Surface Area.
Dams Surface Area Monitoring from VV and VH Polarization of Sentinel-1 Mission SAR Images (Case study: Doroudzan Dam, Shiraz, Iran) [Volume 10, Number 4] |
Surface displacement
A Model for Horizontal Coordinate Changes of Stations of Alborz Classical Geodetic Network in ITRF Reference Frame [Volume 4, Number 3] |
Sustainable Development
Development of a Spatial Model for Locating Optimal Areas of Sustainable Physical Development Using Fuzzy Logic (Case Study: Hamadan City) [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Developing a Location Distortion Model to Improve Reverse Geocoding with Weather Data [Volume 9, Number 2] |
Swarm intelligence algorithms
Risk Zoning of Cardiac Arrest in the Framework of the GIS and Metaheuristic Algorithms based on the Context Information [Volume 4, Number 4] |
Symmetric Revised Wishart Test
Minimum-Error Thresholding for Unsupervised Change Detection in Multilook Polarimetric SAR Images [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Synthetic Aperture RADAR Interferometery
Retrieving Three Dimensional Displacements of InSAR Through Regularized Least Squares Variance Component Estimation [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Synthetic aperture radar
A Method for Road Area Detection in High Resolution SAR Images [Volume 4, Number 3] |
Design and Development of an Information Collection System for Medium Voltage Distribution Network based on a Location-based Data Model [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Investigation TEC Variations before the Several Large Earthquakes that Occurred in 2010, Using the T2-Hotelling Test [Volume 8, Number 3] |
An Integrated Satellite Stereo Image Registration Method Based on KAZE, VFC and TPS Algorithms [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Tabriz aquifer
Use of auxiliary information in reducing the number of groundwater level sampling wells [Volume 13, Number 3] |
Target Detection
A Combined Use of Both Derivative and Spectral Signature for Subpixel Mapping of Alteration Minerals (Study Area: Gonabad) [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Target Spectral Signature
A Band Selection Method for Sub-Pixel Target Detection in Hyperspectral Images [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Target detection
Integration of RADAR and Multi-Spectral Remotely sensed Images for Target Detection (Case Study: Detection of Individual Structures) [Volume 13, Number 3] |
Analyzing and Comprising the Location of SIX Universities in Tehran Using Geospatial Information Systems [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Quantifying the Degree-of-Freedom, Degree-of-Sprawl and Degree-of-Goodness of Urban Growth Tehran and Factors Affecting it Using Remote Sensing and Statistical Analyzes [Volume 7, Number 3] |
Urban Air Pollution Pattern Mining Using an Extended Spatial Co-location Data Mining Method [Volume 5, Number 3] |
Using NSGA-II for Multi-Objective Optimization Allocation of Urban Land Use in Order to Reduce Earthquake Vulnerability [Volume 5, Number 3] |
Spatiotemporal Estimation of PM2.5 Concentration Using Remotely Sensed Data, Machine Learning, and Optimization Algorithms [Volume 12, Number 2] |
Temporal Correlation
The Effect of Offset Detection and Elimination in Iran Permanent GPS Network Noise Analysis [Volume 6, Number 3] |
Textural Feature
Using Textural Features in Frame Subtraction Method to Remove Car Shadows [Volume 7, Number 2] |
Texture Analysis
Identifying Collapsed Buildings after Sarpol-e Zahab Earthquake Using Multisensor Analysis and Machine Learning [Volume 10, Number 3] |
The Binary Mask
Change Detection of Multitemporal Sattelite Images by Comparison of Binary Mask and Most Classification Comparison Methods [Volume 5, Number 3] |
Thermal Hyperspectral
Classification of Aerial Visible-Thermal Data Based on Deep Learning Models [Volume 8, Number 1] |
Three-dimensional Displacement Components
A Review of the Three-dimensional Field Displacement Retrieval Methods Using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Observations (InSAR) With Emphasis on the Precision of Each of these Methods [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Threshold Estimation
Environment Unsupervised Change Detection using Change Point Analysis in SAR Images [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Threshold Methods
Effect of Using Different Types of Threshold Schemes (in Wavelet Space) on Noise Reduction over GPS Times Series [Volume 4, Number 1] |
Monitoring the Changes of Govater Estuary Mangroves Using Airborne-Space Imagery [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Time Changing
Using Activity Space to Investigate the Effective Variables on Human Movement Behavior [Volume 8, Number 3] |
Time Series
Crop Phenology Retrieval Using Polarimetric Signatures [Volume 9, Number 2] |
Time Series
Performance assessment of outlier detection algorithms in time series [Volume 2, Number 4] |
Time Stamping Spatial Objects
Management of time schedule for traffic signals using Temporal Geospatial Information Systems [Volume 4, Number 3] |
Time Window
Routing Vehicle of Urban Waste Collection Utilities GIS [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Time-Series of Remotely Sensed Images
Winter Wheat Classification by Multi-Temporal Optimized Image Analysis Based on Random Forest Algorithm [Volume 8, Number 2] |
An Overview of Nonlinear Spectral Unmixing Methods in the Processing of Hyperspectral Data [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Category theory as a mathematical framework in spatial analysis; Challenges and opportunities [Volume 13, Number 3] |
Total Operating Characteristics
Multiple Land Use Change Modeling Using Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline and Geospatial Information System [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Total Operating Characteristics
Comparing ANN and CART to Model Multiple Land Use Changes: A Case Study of Sari and Ghaem-Shahr Cities in Iran [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Total Variation
Application of Hybrid Regularization Method in Ionospheric Tomographic Modeling in Iran [Volume 6, Number 3] |
Traffic Light Agents
Developing an Agent-based Simulator Model to Improve Cities' Traffic Flow [Volume 10, Number 4] |
Object Extraction from the WorldView-3 Sattelite Imagery Using Adaboost Algorithm with Haar-Like Features [Volume 0, Number 0] |
Trajectory Descriptor
A New Vision-Based and GPS-Signal-Independent Approach in Jamming Detection and UAV Absolute Positioning Assessment [Volume 8, Number 4] |
Transformation Equations
Geometric Calibration of SAR Images to Eliminate Earth’s Surface Topography Distortions [Volume 5, Number 4] |
Tropospheric delay
Tropospheric Delay estimation using constrained ray-tracing method based on surface meteorological parameters and Numerical Weather Models [Volume 3, Number 2] |
Land Cover Classification Based on Machine Learning and Deep Learning Methods Using Sentinel-2 Satellite Images: A Case Study of the Urban Area in West Tehran [Volume 14, Number 2] |
U-Net Convolutional Neural Network
Monitoring deforestation in Arsbaran Biosphere Reserve using multi-temporal satellite images based on the refined U-Net network [Volume 14, Number 1] |
Displacement Monitoring of Large Scale Structures with UAV Photogrammetry [Volume 7, Number 4] |
UAV Photogrammetry
3D modeling for documentation, restoration and determination of the area of Dolatabad Castle in Qom using UAV images [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Improvement of Persistent Scatterers Detection Using Polarimetric Capability of UAVSAR Sensor [Volume 8, Number 3] |
Providing a Ubiquitous Data Model in Order to Extract Spatial Relations [Volume 8, Number 1] |
UltraCam Aaerial Image
Extraction of Hidden Forest Roads Using LiDAR Data (Study Area: Shast Kalate Forests of Gorgan) [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Developing an Optimal Path Algorithm Based on Intuitionistic Fuzzy theory for Uncertain and Incomplete Network [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Underground Structures
Interferometric Processing Time Series COSMO-SkyMed Pictures to Calculate Subsidence Rate of the Ground and Underground Structures [Volume 7, Number 1] |
Unit-based Methods
Analytical Comparison of Methods for Calculating the Completeness of VGI [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Urban Dynamics
Using a Human Mobility Pattern Prediction Model to Estimate Trip Distribution Matrix [Volume 6, Number 3] |
Urban Expansion
Evaluation of Scale Change Effect on Simulating Urban Expansion Using Continuous Cellular Automata [Volume 4, Number 1] |
Urban Growth
Change Detection in Urban Area Using Decision Level Fusion of Change Maps Extracted from Optic and SAR Images [Volume 8, Number 4] |
Urban Services
Design and Development of a Web Based Application for Location Based, Semantic Search and Retrieval [Volume 7, Number 1] |
Urban Transportation Network
Evaluating the Role of Urban Spatial Structure in Functionality of Streets [Volume 4, Number 1] |
Urmia Lake
Evaluation of the Textural Statistics of the Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix Performance for Change Detection [Volume 6, Number 3] |
User-Centered Alternatives
Developing a Web-Based Collaborative Spatioal Decsion Support System Based on User-Centered Spatial Alternatives (Case Study: Public Toilet of District #1 of Mashhad) [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Development of a Method based on MobileGIS and VGI to Improve Relief for Victims in Times of Crisis [Volume 11, Number 3] |
Combination of GPS and Satellite Altimetry Observations for Local Ionosphere Modeling Over Iran [Volume 7, Number 3] |
Spatio-temporal agent based simulation of COVID-19 disease and investigating the effect of vaccination (case study: Urmia) [Volume 12, Number 2] |
Normalizing Satellite Images-Derived Land Surface Temperature Relative to Environmental Parameters Based on the Soil and Vegetation Energy Balance Equations [Volume 7, Number 3] |
Vegetation Index
Evaluation of Dust Effects on Spectral Behavior of Plants Using Remote Sensing Data [Volume 8, Number 4] |
Using a GIS Based Decision Support System to Aid Earthquake Crisis Management with Site Selection of Temporary Housing Case Study: District 8 of Isfahan Municipality [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Villages of Isfahan province
Modeling and analysis of leishmaniasis distribution process using multilayer perceptron neural network and support vector regression (Case study: villages of Isfahan province) [Volume 12, Number 2] |
Virtual observations
Constraints in Kinematic Positioning [Volume 3, Number 1] |
Volunteer Geographic Information
Crowd-Source Mapping of Geographic Information Resources by Volunteer Users of Mobile Devices for the Purpose of Emergency Responses [Volume 7, Number 3] |
Volunteered Employed Photography
Identification and Ranking Regions of Interest based on Volunteer-Employed Photography and Geo-tagged Photos [Volume 7, Number 1] |
Voronoi diagram
Automatic Road Detection and Extraction From MultiSpectral Images Using a New Hierarchical Object-based Method [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Exploring Spatio-Temporal Patterns in Analyzing Sport Movement Data [Volume 8, Number 3] |
Water Body Extraction Indices
A New Model for Forecasting Recovery Period of the Urmia Lake Water Level and Assessment of Spatiotemporal Changes of its Stabilization Using Remote Sensing [Volume 7, Number 2] |
FAT Location/Allocation based on Median and Coverage Problem in a WebGIS [Volume 11, Number 3] |
Web Model
Provide an Automated Web-based Platform for Collecting Traffic Data [Volume 12, Number 1] |
Web Resources
Georeferencing Semi-Structured Place-Based Web Resources Using Machine Learning [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Web Service
Using Geospatial Information System (GIS) to Determine the Capacity of Iran Railway Networks [Volume 6, Number 3] |
Examining the Relationship between Criteria Ranges and Weights in Spatial Multicriteria Decision Analyses [Volume 7, Number 4] |
West Azarbaijan Province
Investigating the role of conditioning factors in landslide occurrence using Geospatial Information Systems and feature selection methods based on machine learning. [Volume 14, Number 2] |
West Azerbaijan
Readiness Assessment of Implementation of Enterprise Spatial Data Infrastructure in Agriculture Jahad Organization of West Azarbaijan Province [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Non-destructive Method for Estimating Biomass of Plants Using Digital Camera Images [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Windows Azure
The Implementation and Assessment of a WebGIS based on Cloud Computing [Volume 3, Number 1] |
Modeling spatial-temporal changes in PM2.5 concentration based on data imputation and the use of machine learning methods in different geographical contexts of the Tehran metropolis [Volume 12, Number 4] |
Xie-Beni Index
Combining of Magnitude and Direction of Change Indices to Unsupervised Change Detection in Multitemporal Multispectral Remote Sensing Images [Volume 8, Number 4] |
Zero-One Programming and sensitive Analysis
Urban Waste Landfill Site Selection Using a Hybrid MADM Approach Based on AHP, Promethee V and Zero-One Programming [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Developing a Model Based on Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS) for Providing the Spatial Distribution Map of Landslide Risk. Case Study: Alborz Province [Volume 9, Number 3] |
building landscape
Landscape assessment of high-rise buildings: A method based on 3DGIS, BIM and AHP [Volume 12, Number 2] |
change index
Evaluating the performance of change indices extracted from multi-temporal remote sensing images in detecting land use and land cover changes [Volume 12, Number 3] |
citizens’ attitudes
Evaluation of People Attitudes Toward Citizen-centered Geographic Information Systems (Case Study: District # 6 of Tehran) [Volume 9, Number 2] |
Design and implementation of a WEBGIS-based recommendation system based on context-awareness for tourism planning [Volume 12, Number 2] |
convolutional neural network
Improving the YOLOv5 Deep Neural Network for Detecting Vehicles and Outdoor Pools from Drone Data [Volume 13, Number 1] |
cumulative sum
The transient effects reduction of the mean sea level trend estimation (from the global tide gauge data) based on cumulative sum (CUSUM) and continuous wavelet transform (CWT) [Volume 2, Number 4] |
digital aerial image
3D reconstruction of buildings with flat roofs using LiDAR data and digital aerial images [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Development a Spatial Recommender System for Real Estate Marketing with Temporal Valuingcapability [Volume 3, Number 3] |
Monitoring of ground movement and estimation of earthquake fault parameters using Sentinel-1 data (Case study: Genaveh earthquake) [Volume 12, Number 3] |
functional radius
Optimizing rescue and relief bases with the approach of improving service coverage on the country's main roads [Volume 12, Number 2] |
fuzzy logic
Location Planning of Public Bike Stations Using GIS and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis [Volume 3, Number 4] |
groundwater resources
Evaluation of active geomorphodynamics in the territory of Iran using advanced satellite radar interference techniques [Volume 12, Number 2] |
harmonic splines
A new approach for the determination of the gravitational gradient tensor using the observations from satellite altimetry Case Study: Persian Gulf [Volume 3, Number 2] |
healthcare services.
Development of an approach to creating a spatial equity map of urban health and validation through Volunteered Geographic information (case study: District 6 of Tehran metropolis) [Volume 12, Number 4] |
heuristic evolutionary algorithm
A Heuristic Evolutionary Algorithm for Planning Moving Agents According to the Equilibrium Instead of Multi-Objective Optimization [Volume 4, Number 1] |
image processing
Oil spill detection using Sentinel-1 and Landsat-8 images [Volume 11, Number 4] |
inverse distance weighted
Assessment of radial basis function method with thin plate spline kernel for evaluable precipitable water vapor interpolation from GPS observations over state of California, USA [Volume 13, Number 1] |
k-means Clustering
Automatic Land Use/Land Cover Change Detection from Multitemporal Remote Sensed Images and Old Maps by Refining of Training Data Based on Chi-Square Test and K-Means Clustering [Volume 10, Number 4] |
level of details
Extraction of CityGML Building Models in LOD4 Based on Voluntary Data of OSM Database [Volume 6, Number 1] |
linguistic quantifiers
Quantitative Assessment of Pragmatic Quality of Volunteered Geographic Information Using Fuzzy Linguistic Quantifiers and OWA Operator [Volume 3, Number 4] |
Evaluating the Geometric Potential of UAV Images with Rigorous and Non-Rigorous Models and Artificial Intelligence [Volume 3, Number 4] |
mathematical model
A Different View to Modeling of Systematic Errors in Precise Leveling (Case Study: First Order Leveling Network of Iran) [Volume 3, Number 4] |
mobile application
Development of automatic updating spatial database by Volunteered Geographic Information [Volume 5, Number 1] |
mobile transportation systems
A Location-Aware Map Visualization Based on Fisheye Projection System [Volume 4, Number 3] |
multi-scale analysis
A novel deep neural network for multi-scale building extraction from remotely-sensed images [Volume 13, Number 1] |
multi-scale spatial database
Roads matching in a multi-scale spatial database using a least square line [Volume 3, Number 1] |
multivariate analysis
Offset detection in simulated time-series using multivariate analysis [Volume 3, Number 1] |
occlusion points.
3D flight planning for UAV-based photogrammetry in urban areas with an emphasis on solving problems caused by extreme scale differences and occlusion points [Volume 12, Number 3] |
persian gulf and oman sea
Determination of difference between datum and reference ellipsoid by using of analysis of altimetry datas of Topex/Poseidon ، Jason-1 and observations of coastal tide gauges [Volume 5, Number 1] |
planar surfaces
Extraction and 3D Reconstruction of Buildings Using LiDAR Data and Aerial Image [Volume 4, Number 3] |
point-on-plan constraint
Extrinsic calibration of 2D laser range finder and camera using photogrammetric test field and point-on-plane constraint [Volume 12, Number 4] |
Monitoring and Forecasting of Height and Area Variations on Urmia Lake Based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo Time Series Analysis [Volume 6, Number 3] |
probability density function (PDF)
Detection and Refinement of Water Bodies Using a Local Thresholding Approach with Feature Extraction from Radar Satellite Images (Case study: Zaribar and Chitgar Lakes) [Volume 14, Number 2] |
regularization parameter
3D Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Ionosphere Electron Density Using Iranian Permanent GPS Network (IPGN) [Volume 3, Number 4] |
relative standard deviation
Proposal speckle reduction algorithm for SAR images [Volume 5, Number 1] |
remote sensing.
Determination of the susceptible areas to wheat rust outbreak using threshold values and satellite images [Volume 12, Number 2] |
remove-restore technique
Annual study of gravity anomalies in oceanic regions by altimeter satellite data [Volume 13, Number 3] |
response time
Evaluating the importance of dynamic allocation and routing of rescuers in reducing response time [Volume 12, Number 2] |
seed extraction
Autonomous Agnets and Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms for Urban Road Map Updating from High Resolution Satellite Imagery [Volume 3, Number 1] |
Assessment of Sidewalk Accessibility for Wheelchair Users Considering Dynamic Environmental Factors (Rainfall) [Volume 14, Number 2] |
spatial prediction
Spatial Prediction of Large Earthquakes in Iran Using Coulomb Failure Criteria [Volume 3, Number 3] |
Muography as a new tool in surface/subsurface mapping [Volume 13, Number 3] |
the pursuit search
Application of Merging Pixels in Restoring Mixed Pixels Data [Volume 3, Number 3] |
three-dimensional displacement field
Retrieval of 3D Displacement Velocity Field Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry: A Case Study of Isfahan City Subsidence [Volume 13, Number 4] |
two-stream neural networks.
Changes detection of remote sensing images using two-stream two-stream deep neural network [Volume 13, Number 1] |
urban features
Comparison and Assessment of Different Classification Methods Based on Object Based Analysis Using LiDAR Data and Optical Imagery in Urban Area [Volume 4, Number 2] |
urban transportation.
Genetic Algorithm Optimization for Postal Items Pickup and Delivery [Volume 12, Number 4] |