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:: Volume 9, Issue 2 (12-2019) ::
JGST 2019, 9(2): 225-242 Back to browse issues page
An Overview of the Methods and Models Used to Identify Land use Changes Based on Remote Sensing and GIS (with Emphasis on Studies in Iran)
M. Khoshlahjeh , B. Ranjbar , A. Moghimi * , S. Beheshtifar , Y. Maghsudi , A. Mohammadzade
Abstract:   (3183 Views)
In recent decades, there have been many problems in urban management and planning due to the population growth, industrial development, urbanization, natural resource depletion and marginalization. On the other hand, with the advent of science and technology, human beings have new solutions to the aformentioned problems. Land use generally means that the use of land in the present situation, that changes over the times. In this regard, the use of satellite imagery, which is an advanced tool for monitoring environmental changes, can help us to investigate these changes. Many studies have been conducted on land use with different approaches and goals, as well as many methods for classifying images and detecting changes in applications. The present research examines various aspects of the dimensions and issues in land use change studies conducted in Iran and reviews the relevant methods. The present research examines various aspects of the dimensions and issues in land use change studies conducted in Iran and reviews the relevant methods. In each of state-of-the-art research, various algorithms and methods have been introduced and implemented that have led to various results and verifications. The correctness of each method is proportional to input data and used algorithms. In other words, we don’t say a method can be considered as the best method in the change detection compairing to other methods.
Keywords: Remote Sensing, Satellite Images, Image Classificasion, Change Detection, Land use, Geospatial Information Systems (GIS)
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Type of Study: Tarviji | Subject: Photo&RS
Received: 2020/01/12
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Khoshlahjeh M, Ranjbar B, Moghimi A, Beheshtifar S, Maghsudi Y, Mohammadzade A. An Overview of the Methods and Models Used to Identify Land use Changes Based on Remote Sensing and GIS (with Emphasis on Studies in Iran). JGST 2019; 9 (2) :225-242
URL: http://jgst.issgeac.ir/article-1-909-en.html

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Volume 9, Issue 2 (12-2019) Back to browse issues page
نشریه علمی علوم و فنون نقشه برداری Journal of Geomatics Science and Technology