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:: Volume 13, Issue 4 (6-2024) ::
JGST 2024, 13(4): 15-26 Back to browse issues page
Investigation of phase bias in the interferometric network in the SBAS algorithm and its impact on different coverages.
Ebrahim Karami * , Saeed Azadnezhad , Yasser Maghsoudi Mehrani
Abstract:   (372 Views)

The time series analysis using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) has demonstrated its capability in monitoring temporal subsidence changes. The most common methods for interferometric monitoring of land surface changes are the SBAS and PSI methods. Recently, it has been stated that multi-looking pixels and using short-term interferograms in the SBAS algorithm introduce unwanted phases in displacement measurements. The main objective of this study is to investigate different interferometric networks in the SBAS algorithm to detect and mitigate the interfering phase. Time series analyses were performed using 62 Sentinel-1 images from 2020 to 2021. To examine this effect, a reference displacement map without bias was required. For this purpose, two displacement maps were generated using two SBAS algorithms (full connectivity) and PSI. The obtained map using the PSI algorithm, considering its nature derived from multi-looking pixels in the SBAS algorithm, is bias-free. After comparing the two generated maps, a correlation value of 96.3% indicated that the fully connected network in the SBAS algorithm is also bias-free and was considered as a reference in this research. To investigate the impact of this value on displacement estimation, the number of connections between images and the length of interferograms used in different interferometric networks were examined. The results showed that by increasing the connections from 1 to 8 between images and the length of interferograms in the interferometric network, the correlation value between the generated displacement maps increased from 66.4% to 81.3%, and the phase bias decreased. Additionally, considering the different phase bias values in various land covers, three land covers, including urban, agricultural, and bare soil, were investigated in this study. The difference between the phase bias values in the connections from 1 to 8 between images in the agricultural, urban, and soil areas revealed values of 1.228, -0.25, and -0.672, respectively. The highest difference was related to the agricultural area, and the lowest value was related to the urban area. Ultimately, the phase bias has the greatest impact on the agricultural cover and the least on the urban cover.

Article number: 2
Keywords: Key words: subsidence, phase bias, smoke network, Interferogram and SBAS algorithm
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Photo&RS
Received: 2023/07/19
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Karami E, Azadnezhad S, Maghsoudi Mehrani Y. Investigation of phase bias in the interferometric network in the SBAS algorithm and its impact on different coverages.. JGST 2024; 13 (4) : 2
URL: http://jgst.issgeac.ir/article-1-1153-en.html

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