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:: Volume 13, Issue 4 (6-2024) ::
JGST 2024, 13(4): 1-14 Back to browse issues page
Retrieval of 3D Displacement Velocity Field Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry: A Case Study of Isfahan City Subsidence
Hamid Mehrabi * , Saied Zaferanieh , Fatemeh Dallal Zadeh Atoufi
Abstract:   (634 Views)
In recent years, radar interferometry has emerged as a valuable and efficient tool for investigating changes in the Earth's surface. This method allows for the coverage of most areas of the Earth with radar images. In this research, we investigated the three-dimensional displacement field of Isfahan City by analyzing the time series of radar interferometry data. To achieve this, we used 169 Sentinel-1A satellite images in one ascending and two descending directions, acquired between January 2017 and December 2021, with one-month intervals. These images were acquired in three different orbits, allowing for the possibility of 3D retrieving the displacement field. The results obtained from InSAR time series processing were compared with those of four stations located in regions 12, 13, 14, and Ejlas of Isfahan municipal GNSS networks. The similarity between the results of GNSS data and radar interferometry confirmed the accuracy of our findings. The precision of estimating the horizontal components was 7.09 cm in the north-south direction and 3.39 cm in the east-west direction. The height component had an accuracy of 1.17 cm. Our analysis identified the highest average amount of subsidence, equal to 131 mm per year, in the northeast of Isfahan. This phenomenon is spreading towards the central areas of the city and may lead to future problems, including sinkhole formation on city streets, damage to the residential fabric, and severe damage to important historical and tourism monuments in the city. Abundant radar data can facilitate continuous monitoring of critical points for subsidence analysis. In areas with low coherence, installing a corner reflector can aid in measuring the amount of subsidence.
Article number: 1
Keywords: Radar interferometry, time series analysis, permanent scatterers, ground subsidence, three-dimensional displacement field
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Geo&Hydro
Received: 2023/06/25
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Mehrabi H, Zaferanieh S, Dallal Zadeh Atoufi F. Retrieval of 3D Displacement Velocity Field Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry: A Case Study of Isfahan City Subsidence. JGST 2024; 13 (4) : 1
URL: http://jgst.issgeac.ir/article-1-1148-en.html

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