All contributions are refereed
without exception. The authors will be informed if their papers are not
accepted or if they need to be revised. The editors reserve the right to edit
contributions wherever necessary and to refuse papers that are deemed not in
line with current research. Linguistic corrections not affecting the meaning
will be made by the editors. The Journal of Geomatics Science and Technology
(JGST) welcomes articles for publication subject to the following conditions:
- Articles will be accepted in Persian
with their extended abstracts in English; or in English with an extended
Persian abstract.
- Paper submission to this journal is
via "electronic submission", containing word and pdf files.
- The article should be typed,
preferably using “word” software.
- The texts (including those for
tables, graphs, and headings) should be typed with double spaces. Enough
margins should be left on either side of the page and all charts and
tables should be numbered.
- The title of the article should be
concise but expressive.
- The charts, graphs, and tables must
be of good quality so that they can directly be used for print. Every
figure should have a numbered caption and every table should have a
numbered heading (or title). These must be sufficiently informative.
- The list of references should be in
the order in which they are numbered in the article. Each reference must
include name of the author, journal volume, year of publication and page
- In case the article has not been
published yet, the institution which has prepublished the article should
be mentioned together with the prepublication number.
- Every article in Persian should be
accompanied by the following information in English: the title, the
authors, the institute sponsoring the research, the abstract, all
references and at most six keywords.
- For prerequisite file, please attach
a Word file of your article.
Please Download Template Word File Here
How to submit an article: